Is it not just absolutely marvelous
to sit and stare at the ocean?
To realize that no matter how still you become
its waters will never cease to flow
Such is that power of life, it cannot be stopped
How scary too, for isn't it ruthless?
Aren't you furious?
Wake up, you've been robbed
All your choices, your decisions, they've been denied
It is merely an illusion
Your heart will never stop beating
Your blood will never stop flowing
your thoughts will never stop rushing
not until you die
And when that moment comes, you will fall
on an ever moving ground
The clock will keep on ticking
The oceans will keep on rising
But, perhaps, we aren't meant to stop the waters
perhaps we aren't meant to put out fires
Maybe all we need to do is flow
like the ocean at our feet
Maybe, we should all, just let go