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  • Writer's picturePartiendo Puentes

Americano (English)

Updated: Jan 4, 2020

Hold on to your views, small men

Shrink yourselves from your lack of culture

The lack of ability to see through the eyes of another man

Through the eyes of another color.

Do not insult me by telling me how I should feel

Can´t be tattooed without being thought a gang member

Cant grow a mustache without being called dirty

Cant egg a car without being charged with organized crime

Seventeen of age and crying in jail I was.

It doesn't matter on which side of the bars you´re at

The fear is always there

Tested and approved by the fear of a pale society

Our fear seems individual

While theirs is collected.

Tabula Rasa? nah, man, not for my raza

Meet the pale eyes and there is nothing but doubt

Does he hate me?

Is he disgusted?

Is he afraid?

Their fear, a product of hatred, the creation of segregation

Because of the color of my skin?

Does he support the ignorance of the man with the house of his color?

Is he ignorant himself?

Do you want to hate me?

To fear me?

I am nothing but the illusion of your mind

Therefore I will walk with anger in my heart

Because you choose not to accept me

Why waste my words when you see nothing in me but the reflection of your views?

It is wrong to assume, trust me, I know

I also know if I miss a word I dont Know the language

If I mispronounce one I must be uneducated.

Dont tell me how I should feel.

You may share the names of our ancestors

And yet you know nothing of growing up among dead bodies, bullets, and curfews

Nothing of growing up in the middle of a drug war

People dying to buy drugs, to sell drugs

Monuments of decapitated men with genitalia in their mouths

Guns in my face demanding bribes, demanding fear.

And, yeah I fucking left that.

I didn't choose to be born on your precious fucking soil

Trust me, id rather be living and dying among my brothers

When you treat me the way you do.

Dont tell me how I should feel.

You do not share the color of my skin, the words, or the culture

I've seen life, I've seen death, and I've seen you

Your soul is as your skin

colorless, maybe green, rotting from the fucking arrogance

from the fucking ignorance of your fucking views.

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